
CALLOW : MATURITY ::A.incipient: fruition
B.eager : anxiety
C.youthful : senility
D.apathetic : disinterest
E、pallid : purity

2题:Which of the following does the passage imply about the notion that the universe may be based on a spherical geometry
A、Of the three models of spatial curvature proposed byEinstein, only spherical geometry contradicts theEuclidean model.
B、The primary evidence for the notion is that that observers cannot see spatial flexure directly, but perceive it as gravitational attraction.
C、Space mapped on the spherical geometrical model may curve in one of three ways, asEinstein propose
D、Spheres typically contain only three dimensions, whereas most models of the universe attribute it at least four.
E、Scientists are skeptical, given that mass and energy quantities seem insufficient, yet ultimately do not know enough to dismiss the notion.

3题: According to the passage, scientists have decided that sulfur aerosols from volcanic eruptions affect global temperatures to a greater extent than ash clouds because
A.(A) the greenhouse gas effect produced by human activities tends to have a much greater environmental effect than that of volcanic explosions
B.(B) clouds of sulfur-rich gases tend to achieve greater heights in the stratosphere than do ash clouds
C.(C) a particular explosion producing high sulfur and little ash had a greater environmental effect than the converse
D.(D) the burning of fossil fuels tends to exacerbate the effects of sulfurous aerosols, but not those of ash clouds
E.(E) global warming effects tend to minimize the impact of ash clouds, but not those of sulfurous aerosols

When he died inApril of 1983,Dr. Joel Hildebrand was 101 years old, who had been married for seventy-five years, and had taught freshman chemistry to over 40,000 college students.
For his life, he had published a popular chemistry textbook and dozens of articles, managed the U. S. Olympic ski team, and discovered a way to allow deep-sea divers to stay underwater longer. In his own way,Dr. Hildebrand was certainly a genius.
Dr. Hildebrand’s interest in chemistry began at an early age. In an interview, he once said that his interest had been formed because he was fortunate enough to be born before there was television, so he had to make his own decisions about what to pay attention to.Even as a student in high school.Dr. Hildebrand had the reputation as the one who learned more chemistry than his teacher knew.As a result he was given the keys to the high school chemistry laB、And there he discovered that the correct formula for a certain chemical compound was not the one given in his chemistry book but a totally different one.Dr. Hildebrand went on to teach at the University ofCalifornia atBerkeley and remained there for almost forty years.
During that time,Dr. Hildebrand discovered that the gas helium could be combined with oxygen for use as diving gas to allow divers to dive deeper and take the great pressure of the water without the physical discomforts that had been experienced when they used another gas, nitrogen. The use of helium for deep-sea diving is now standard practice.Dr. Hildebrand was also valuable to his country during both world wars. In World War I he analyzed the poisonous gases used on the battlefield and helped develop a truck that could clean and treat soldiers’ clothes which had been contaminated by poisonous gases during fighting. In World War Ⅱ he helped develop a type of snowmobile, a vehicle used to carry soldiers through the snow in northern countries.
Dr. Hildebrand’s retirement from teaching at the age of seventy was required by state law inCaliforniA、He objected to this, joking that he thought a teacher’s time of retirement ought to be determined not by age but by how many of that teacher’s students were still awake after the first fifteen minutes of class!Dr. Hildebrand’s writing career continued, however, and was still feeling strong at the age of 100, when he published an article on the theory of chemical solutions.Dr. Hildebrand’s love of life and his interest in it were an inspiration to all who knew him. When asked once how he could have such ageless energy and vigor, he said, "I chose my ancestors carefully."
{{B}}Passage 1{{/B}}
The passage can best be entitled as ______.A、Remarkable Professor of GeneralChemistry
B.A、Man toBe Memorized Forever
C.A、GreatChemistry Professor Who Lived over 100 Years
D.A、Man Who Lived a Long and Valuable Life
5题:Research has proven that unlike their sober ------- who slowed down after making a mistake to try to correct their actions, men who imbibe alcohol show no signs of such ------- behavior.

A.adversaries... laudatory
B.counterparts ... corrective
C.protagonists ... conciliatory
D.functionaries ... proper
E.(E) contemporaries ... edified




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