
A.(A) condescend : status
B.(B) emancipate : liberty
C.(C) purify : imperfection
D.(D) remonstrate : coercion
E.(E) inspire : knowledge

2题:That large regions of the galaxy can be influenced by the formation of massive stars in a few localized regions requires that star formation somehow be coordinated over long periods of time. The process commences with a single O-type star or a cluster of such stars in a giant molecular cloud, around which stellar radiation, winds and explosions carve a modest cavity from of the surrounding interstellar medium, concomitantly destroying the progenitor clouD、Perchance this disturbance triggers star formation in a nearby cloud, and so on, until the interstellar medium in this corner of the galaxy resembles Swiss cheese, composed of what theorists have recently begun to refer to as bubbles, or superbubbles, one of the most exciting discoveries in astrophysics in years. Within a hot bubble, the sun has revealed itself in x-rays emitted by highly ionized trace ions such as oxygen and at some point in the process of its formation, nearby bubbles commence to overlap, coalescing into a superbubble. The energy from more and more O-type stars feeds this expanding superbubble until its natural buoyancy stretches it from the midplane up toward the halo, forming a chimney―the superbubble thus becomes a pathway for hot interior gas to spread into the upper reaches of the galactic atmosphere, producing a widespread coron
A、Far from its source of energy, the coronal gas slowly starts to cool and condense into clouds. Over eons, these clouds fall back to the galaxy’’s mid-plane, completing the fountain-like cycle and replenishing the galactic disk with cool clouds from which star formation begins anew. Star formation often occurs in sporadic but intense bursts, but in the Milky Way the competing feedback effects almost balance out, so that stars form at an unhurried pace―just 10 per year on average, except in some galaxies where positive feedback has gained the upper hanD、20 million to 50 million years ago, star formation in the central parts of M82 began running out of control. Our galaxy, too, may have had sporadic bursts, and the way these starbursts occur, and what turns them off must be tied to the complex relation between stars and the tenuous atmosphere from which they precipitate.  Progress will be made in this complicated subject as astronomers continue to study how the medium is cycled through stars, through the different phases of the medium, and between the disk and the halo. Observations of other galaxies give astronomers a bird’’s-eye view of the interstellar goings-on, and answer such a critical question as whether stars are really the main source of power for the interstellar medium. The loop above theCassiopeia superbubble1looks uncomfortably similar to the prominences that arch above the surface of the sun, prominences which owe much to the magnetic field in the solar atmosphere, and scientists have begun to wonder if magnetic activity dominates our galaxy’’s atmosphere. According to the passage, the more superbubbles that exist in a galaxy,________.
A、the longer the star-formation process will take place
B.the greater the amount of interstellar gas in the galaxy
C.the higher the positive feedback rate of star formation in the galaxy
D.the less magnetic activity in that galaxy
E.the more regular the intervals of star formation



4题:Since her own era,Christina Rossetti’’s devoutChristianity has often been seen as a characteristic setting her apart from the other avowedly non-Christian members of the Pre-Raphaelite circle. In designating their movement a form of"aesthetic mysticism", one established critic,Alice Law described the place Pre-Raphaelitism holds in the development of Victorian artistic culture as a movement away from a predominantly religious and moralizing function toward a culture of aestheticism―precisely what Rossetti’’s work has long been thought to reject. The Pre-Raphaelites’’ attention to picturesque detail, the medievalist atmosphere and settings, the pervasive melancholy of their works, and their awareness of their art’’s primarilyChristian literary and pictorial origins―all these have been traditionally downplayed in their similarity to the characteristics ofChristina Rossetti’’s poetry.  This belief persists, despite the distinctly religious "atmosphere" of much of the work produced by both generations of Pre-Raphaelites: its employment of biblical images and typology; of religious figural language; and, more especially and pervasively, of medievalist backgrounds and settings that were seen by their early audiences to have clearly devotional, if not dangerously "Romanist", associations. When discussing Pre-Raphaelitism as an historical movement, we must remember that the first brotherhood was inspired largely by a sacramental aesthetic that tended to alienate Victorian society, which generally abhorred the notion of sacrifice. It is true that Rossetti’’s traditional solution to the Romantic and Victorian literary problem of alienation from nature and the more characteristically Victorian problem of despair at life’’s meaninglessness, was fundamentallyChristian.But with few exceptions, Rossetti relied on the colloquial and angst-ridden language of both generations of Pre-Raphaelites.Even Swinburne, the Pre-Raphaelite whose anti-orthodoxy and iconoclasm seem to conflict most profoundly with Rossetti’’s values, enthusiastically hailed her.   That most Victorians themselves perceivedChristina Rossetti as unequivocally Pre-Raphaelite in her poetic affinities is clear, for throughout her poetry and much of her proseChristina Rossetti demonstrated true and deep affinities with Pre-Raphaelite aesthetic values, in both innovative and traditional ways. We must not forget her "pictorial" modes of representation, the medieval atmosphere and settings that appear repeatedly in her poems, her appreciation of the world’’s physical beauty and its expression in lush images, the intensity of her poems, which seems inseparable from their "sincerity", and not least her preoccupation with love. To a greater extent than figures more peripheral to the Pre-Raphaelite circle,Christina Rossetti produced works that appear to be dominated by the same aesthetic consciousness and literary values that make Pre-Raphaelitism the central movement which unintentionally spawned the aestheticism of the 1880s and 1890s. Pre-Raphaelitism, in fact, influenced aesthetic thought in a way that made the movement central to the transition from the sentimental moral idealism of the Victorian mainstream to the variously nihilistic, skeptical, and ironic value systems that dominate modern poetry.Which of the following, if true, might be an example of the "exceptions" cited in the second paragraph of the passage
A、Despite the generally grave tone of her verse, Rossetti often used formal and cheerful language in her poetry.

B、Rossetti, unlike her contemporaries, relied upon long cadences to express her mood as a poet.
C.Rossetti often preferred rhyme schemes more complicated than those used by her peers.
D.Rossetti’’s work demonstrated a more broad-minded intelligence than that of many Pre-Raphaelites.
E.Rossetti, in spite of her romantic aesthetic, made many more attempts at developing style less laden with sentimentality th

5题:Some teachers complained that the school board was ______ , focusing on short-term goals while ignoring the long-term benefits of classroom reorganization.




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