
A.(A) substantial
B.(B) trivial
C.(C) immense
D.(D) perceptive
E.(E) dense

2题: The passage suggests that "the indeterminancy of radical translation" (line 25)
A.(A) undermines the transmission of cultural meaning between the generations of a culture
B.(B) fails to prove that outsiders like anthropologists and writers should forego attempting to understand foreign cultures
C.(C) underscores the importance of the transmission of a particular language to the memory of its corresponding culture
D.(D) suggests that certain cultural objects can be focused on to understand a culture in non-linguistic terms
E.(E) complicates on occasion the entry of an individual into a community

A.(A) approval
B.(B) admiration
C.(C) recurrence
D.(D) accumulation
E.(E) fleeing

  • (A) ordinary : genius
  • (B) venerable : celebrity
  • (C) urbane : sophisticate
  • (D) crafty : artisan
  • (E) modest : braggart



A.(A) to ascertain
B.(B) to befuddle
C.(C) to suffocate
D.(D) to dissipate
E.(E) to incorporate into

A、serious critic faces a dilemma: he must recognize the artistic element of uniqueness that______subjective reaction; yet he must not be unduly______by such a reaction.
A、requires … prejudiced
B、denies… limited
C、warrants… repelled
D、invalidates… attracted
E、repudiates … approbated

A.(A) articulateness
B.(B) impartiality
C.(C) obedience
D.(D) generosity
E.(E) opposition

9题: Thepassage is primarily concerned with
A.(A)contrasting the role of domination and courtship in determining the evolution of bird plumage
B.(B)illustrating the effectiveness of a particular approach to categorizing various evolutionary innovations
C.(C)documenting the origins of a currently accepted scientific theory about food and courtship
D.(D)proposing a new explanation for the evolutionary reasons behind the ornamentation of male bird plumage
E.(E)showing that physical adaptation plays an integral role in contributing to species identification of birds

SEER : PROPHECY ::A.mentor : reward
B.sage : wisdom
C.pilgrim : diligence
D.diplomat : flattery
E、virtuoso : penance

A.(A) edition : journalists
B.(B) collaboration : partners
C.(C) sportsmanship : umpires
D.(D) ascription : translators
E.(E) summarization : critics

12题:Most words are "lexical words", i.e. nouns signifying "things", the majority of which are abstract concepts rather than physical objects in the world; only "proper nouns" have specific and unique referents in the everyday worlD、The communicative function of a fully-functioning language requires the scope of reference beyond the particularity of the individual instance. While each leaf, cloud or smile is different from all others, effective communication requires general categories or "universals".Anyone who has attempetd to communicate with people who do not share their language will be familiar with the limitations of simply pointing to things, given that the vast majority of lexical words in a language exist on a high level of abstraction and refer to classes of things such as "buildings" or to concepts like "construction".  We lose any one-to-one correspondence of word and thing the moment we group instances into classes. Other than lexical words, language consists of "function words" or grammatical words, such as "only" and "under" which do not refer to objects in the world at all, and many more kinds of signs other that simple nouns. The notion of words as labels for concepts assumes that ideas exist independently of words and that ideas are established in advance before the introduction of linguistic structure.Clearly, language is not limited to naming things existing in the physical world, but includes non-existent objects and ideas well. The nomenclaturist stance, in viewing words as labels forpre-existing ideas and objects, attempts unsuccessfully to reduce language to the purely referential function of naming things. Things do not exist independently of the sign systems which we use; "reality" is created by the media which seem simply to represent it. Language does not simply name pre-existing categories; categories do not exist in "the world" . e. g. "where are the boundaries of a cloud; when does a smile begin". Such an emphasis on reality as invariably perceptually seamless may be an exaggeration; our referential categories do seem to bear some relationship to certain features which seem to be inherently salient. Within a language, many words may refer to "the same thing" but reflect different evaluations of it. For example, ’’one person’’s ’’hovel’’ is another person’’s ’’ home’’"  Meanwhile, the signified of a word is subject to historical change. In this sense, "reality" or "the world" is created by the language we use: this argument insists on the primacy of the signifier.Even if we do not adopt the radical stance that "the real world" is a product of our sign systems, we must still acknowledge the lack of signifiers for many things in the empirical world and that there is no parallel correlation between most words and objects in the known world at all. Thus, all words are "abstractions", and there is no direct correspondence between words and "things" in the worlD、It can be inferred from the passage that the author is LEAST likely to agree with wihich of the following
A、Words can be categorized into different grammatical functions.
B.Some relationship between signifier and signified can be articulateD、
C.Every signifier points to a single pre-existing signifieD、
D.Words may name imaginary, non-physical things.

E、The use of categories is essential to the operation of language.


E.(E) soothe


The rectangular box shown above has been wrapped with two tapes,each going once around the box without overlap and running parallel to the edges of the box.How many centimeters of tape were used on the box
D、140 E、150

  • (A) dissident : friend
  • (B) eccentricity : normalcy
  • (C) enigma : mistake
  • (D) diatribe : insult
  • (E) surplus : debit


A.(A) pillage : content
B.(B) steal : incarcerated
C.(C) celebrate : dejected
D.(D) leap : caustic
E.(E) sleep : exhausted

{{I}}Questions 14 -16 are based on the following passage. You now have 15 seconds to read questions 14 -16.{{/I}}
What do you know about GeorgeDanielsA.He is one of the few remaining watchmakers in the worlD、
B.He is the last of the great watchmakers.
C.He is training young watchmakers.
D.He thinks matchmaking will continue for another three centuries.
18题: Which of the following is the most appropriate title for the passage
A.(A) Adaptive Visual Metamorphosis in Deep-Sea Vent Crabs
B.(B) Aspects of the General Anatomical Development of Deep-Sea Vent Crabs
C.(C) New Research Directions in the Study of Deep-Sea Vent Crabs
D.(D) Common Features of Optics of Lower Depth Oceanic Animals
E.(E) Patterns of Anatomical Transformation in Lower Oceanic Creatures

A.(A) dexterous
B.(B) thirsty
C.(C) artistic
D.(D) malicious
E.(E) ravenous

20题: Politicians and pollsters alike warn that the outcome of a presidential race remains ------- until Election Day itself, and many races depend on factors that run from bad weather ------- voter turnout to last-minute scandals.
A.(A) unknown … abetting
B.(B) unlikely … decreasing
C.(C) fluid … affecting
D.(D) predetermined … consolidating
E.(E) fixed … absorbing




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