
  • (A) unbiased
  • (B) unbroken
  • (C) dehydrated
  • (D) exposed
  • (E) flexible


2题:Like the theory of evolution, the big-bang model of the universe’s formation has undergone modification and ______, but it has______ all serious challenges.

  • (A) immutable : temporality
  • (B) transient : evanescence
  • (C) notable : quiddity
  • (D) commodious : popularity
  • (E) uncanny: repulsiveness



If 9 trees are originally planted in a circular pattern as shown above,what is the least number of trees that must be transplanted so that the 9 trees will be in 2 straight rows
D、7 E、8



6题:Directions: The next questions are based on the content of the following passage. Read the passage and then determine the best answer choice for each question.Base your choice on what this passage states directly or implies, not on any information you may have gained elsewhere.
For each of Questions, select one answer choice unless otherwise instructeD、
Questions are based on the following passage.
With Meredith’s TheEgoist we enter into a
critical problem that we have not yet before
faced in these studies. That is the problem
Line offered by a writer of recognizably impressive
(5) stature, whose work is informed by a muscu-
lar intelligence, whose language has splendor,
whose "view of life" wins our respect, and
yet for whom we are at best able to feel only
a passive appreciation which amounts, prac-
(10) tically, to indifference. We should be unjust
to Meredith and to criticism if we should,
giving in to the inertia of indifference, sim-
ply avoid dealing with him and thus avoid
the problem along with him. He does not
(15) "speak to us," we might say; his meaning is
not a "meaning for us"; he "leaves us colD、"
But do not the challenge and the excitement
of the critical problem as such lie in that
ambivalence of attitude which allows us to
(20) recognize the intelligence and even the
splendor of Meredith’s work, while, at the
same time, we experience a lack of sympathy,
a failure of any enthusiasm of response
All of the following can be found in the author’s discussion of MeredithEXCEPT
A、an indication of Meredith’s customary effect on readers
B、an enumeration of the admirable qualities in his work
C、a selection of hypothetical comments at Meredith’s expense
D、an analysis of the critical ramifications of Meredith’s effect on readers
E、a refutation of the claim that Meredith evokes no sympathy

7题: According to the passage, which of the following assumptions would the "nomenclaturist" most likely agree with
A.(A) The seamlessness of reality complicates the notion of linguistic categories, such that those categories must be questioned.
B.(B) The experience of reality largely varies from that of the experience of language, weakening the reliability of both experiences.
C.(C) Ideas invariably precede, in their existence and meaning, the language that subsequently articulates them.
D.(D) Language, although capable of developing categories, can never articulate more than particular instances.
E.(E) The meaning of a word is not fixed historically, and may evolve over time due to a variety of factors.

8题: ROE: FISH ::
A.(A) skin: whale
B.(B) shell: mollusk
C.(C) pincer: crab
D.(D) egg: bird
E.(E) web: seal

9题: Regardless of what might be said about the vehement diatribes of the Minnesota senator, one can't argue that he was any less than utterly______his beliefs and his constituents, for invariably, he voted his______.
A.(A) opposed to … politics
B.(B) committed to … whims
C.(C) conflicted in … inclinations
D.(D) considerate in … platform
E.(E) dedicated to … conscience

A.(A) arid
B.(B) adolescent
C.(C) cheerful
D.(D) vigorous
E.(E) heroic

A、tell the truth
B、respond as expected


13题: STORY: MIME ::
A.(A) quack: falsehood
B.(B) jest: enigma
C.(C) word: charade
D.(D) direction: signal
E.(E) geometry: sign


15题:It can be inferred that researchers abandoned the skeptical "vivid imagination" hypothesis because
A、a new and more attractive hypothesis was suggested
B、no research was reported that supported the hypothesis
C、research results provided evidence to counter the hypothesis
D、the hypothesis was supported only by Szechtman’s study, and not McGlashan’s
E、the level of technical expertise in the field of hypnosis research did not permit adequate testing of the hypothesis

16题:The argument of the passage best supports which of the following contentions concerning political art
A、It has been considered to be more effective in producing change among certain political classes than among others.
B、Aesthetic judgments of artists are often positively reinforced by the political views of their critics.
C、Judgments of the value of an artist’s work made by his or her critics must be discounted before a true judgment can be made.
D、In order to be highly regarded, an artist cannot be solely identified with one particular degree of political consciousness in her artwork.
E、Flexibility is the most valuable quality a political artist can have in maintaining the longevity of her career.



18题: According to the passage, what is the primary difference between Gall's and Flouren's views
A.(A) Flouren's theory was based on a belief in a unitary soul, whereas Gall's was not.
B.(B) Flouren articulated a clearer distinction between sensation and perception than Gall.
C.(C) Flouren refused to accept Gall's theory that all brain functions could be ascribed to particular areas of the brain.
D.(D) Flouren maintained an evolutionary theory of brain development, whereas Gall believed faculties were fixed from birth.
E.(E) Flouren believed that sensory-motor functions were differentiated, while Gall never experimentally established this.

19题:Advocates of revolutionary distributed computing argue that the traditional operating system has become______, akin to placing a baton-wielding orchestra conductor at the front of a session of jazz musicians.
A、a prerequisite
B、a throwback
C、an anachronism
D、an anathema
E、an encumbrance

A.pith: epitaph
B.wit: ode
C.paucity: diatribe
D.fame: aphorism
E.distortion: caricature




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