
解析:Which of the following is true abo

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【单选题】 Which of the following is true about the joint ventures formed by White-owned companies and minority-owned concerns
A.Many joint ventures formed by White-owned companies and minority-owned concerns are for illegitimate reasons.
B.White-owned companies and minority-owned concerns have equal status in the joint ventures.
C.Minority-owned concerns are not taken as full partners in legitimate joint ventures.
D.It is a risk for White-owned companies to form joint ventures with minority-owned concerns.


根据文章第四段可知在白人所持有的企业与少数民族所持有企业组成合资企业时,少数民族企业并未被当作完全的参与者而接受。[A]与文意不符,文章认为在很多情况下组成合资企业是有合理原因的。[B]与文意不符,白人所持有的企业与少数民族企业组成合资企业后,双方的地位并不平等。[D]与文意不符,文章说对于少数民族企业来说可能是个危险,而不是对于白人所持有的企业来说。 查看试题解析出处>>


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