

来源:网考网公共英语 所有评论

【单选题】 According to the text, we know that Spanish-Americans
A.can speak English as well as Spanish.
B.are not culturally homogeneous in broad cultural values.
C.choose to keep their own culture.
D.Both B and C.


[解析]根据文章,我们知道西班牙后裔:选项A:英语和西班牙语说的一样好。错误,从文章最后一段首句可知:There is increasingly a demand for bilingual education to allow spanish-speaking children to use English in their educational programs.讲西班牙语的孩子在学习中要求使用英语进行双语教学的呼声越来越高。可知,英语使用的并不普遍。选项B:在文化价值上并不认同。正确,第三段第一行:The spanish-speaking minoriny in America is reluctant to adopt the values of the dominant cultural group.选项C:选择保留自己的文化。正确,第三段第一行:The existence of a large and growing minority population such as the spanish-speaking Americans,who are increasingly committed to their own food and newspaper in Latin.可见他们选择保留自己的文化。选项B和选项C都对。故应选D。 查看试题解析出处>>


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