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A、Just so so.
D.No impression yet.


[听力原文]11-13 Mrs. Gates: Good morning, are you Mrs. Smith Mrs. Smith: Yes, I am. Mrs. Gates: I’m Mrs. Gates. I live in the house next door. Mrs. Smith: I’m very glad to meet you, Mrs. Gates. Mrs. Gates: How do you like Manchester Mrs. Smith: Well, we’ve only been here for a few days, but I think I’m going to like it very much. I just hope we’ll be able to make friends easily. It was very sad to leave all our old friends in Blackpool. Mrs. Gates: I’ll be glad to introduce you to people. We only moved here two years ago ourselves, and so I know how you feel. Most of the people living in this neighborhood haven’t lived here very long, and we all try to be friendly to newcomers. Mrs. Smith: That’s good to know. It can be lonely in a new place without any friends. Mrs. Gates: I’ll be glad to help you any way I can. Mrs. Smith: One thing I’d like to know is the best place to shop for groceries. Mrs. Gates: That’s no problem. There’s new shopping center that just opened a month ago. It’s only about a mile from here. I can drive you there this afternoon and show you around. They have everything there you want. There’s a branch of a big downtown department store, two supermarkets, a drugstore, several little shops, and even a new cinema. Since the shopping center opened, I find that I hardly ever go downtown for anything. It’s very convenient. Mrs. Smith: That sounds wonderful. If you’re going this afternoon, I would like to join you. Mrs. Gates: Fine. Shall I pick you up about 2 o’clock Why don’t you and your family come over for dinner tonight I know how much work it is unpacking in a new house. Mrs. Smith: Thank you Mrs. Gates. We’d love to. It’s awfully nice of you to ask us. Mrs. Gates: Fine. Good -bye now. I’ll see you tonight. Mrs. Smith: Thank you. Bye. [精解] 推理题。对话中Mrs.Smith提到说“Well,we’ve only been here for a few days,but I think I’m going to like it very much(我们才搬来几天,但我想我会很喜欢这里的)”,可见Mrs.Smith对Manchester的第一印象还是很好的。因此答案是[C]。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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