

来源:网考网公共英语 所有评论

【单选题】In my 30 years as (1) , I have tried to help parents understand that (2) discipline teaches a child why certain behavior is wrong and how to correct it. The main principle (3) teaching children (4) behavior is simple. When you see a child behave well, (5) him with praise, a smile, a hug or a pat on the shoulder--something that (6) you think he is a splendid little person.
This does (7) for a child’s behavior. (8) for example a four-year old boy, his two-year-old brother and their mother in a department store. The four year-old is not running down the aisles, (9) toys (9) shelves or tearing his brother. What’s his reward His mother (10) him and goes (11) her shopping, grateful for a few minutes of (12) .But (13) his behavior changes. He pushes his brother and starts (14) about. His mother immediately gives him attention (15) him.
A、child (16) wants positive attention from his parents, but if the only attention he can get is (17) , he’ll, settle for it. It’s better than none (18) . Parents (19) pay more attention to their children when they misbehave. That only makes them (20) more, because this is how they can get the attention they long for.


ordinarily意为“通常”;exactly意为“精确地”;absolutely意为“绝对地”;inevitably意为“不可避免地”。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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