
解析:Generations ofAmericans have been b

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【单选题】Generations ofAmericans have been brought (26) to believe that a good breakfast is important for health.Eating breakfast at the (27) of the day, we have all been (28) , is as necessary as putting gasoline in the family car (29) starting a trip.
But for many people the thought of food first in the morning is by (30) pleasures. So (31) all the efforts, they still take no (32) Between 1978 arid 1983, the latest years for which figures are (33) , the number of people who didn’t have breakfast increased (34) 33 percent--from 8.8 million to 11.7 million (35) theChinese-based Market ResearchCorporation ofAmeric
For those who feel pain of (36) about not having breakfast, (37) , there is some good news. Several studies in the last few years (38) that, for adults especially, there may be nothing (39) with omitting breakfast. "Going (40) breakfast does not affect (41) "SaidArnoldE、Bendoer, former professor of nutrition at QueenElizabethCollege in London, (42) does giving people breakfast improves performance.
(43) evidence relating breakfast to better health or (44) performances is surprisingly inadequate, and most of the recent work involves children, not (45) "The literature," says one researcher,Dr.Ernesto Pollitt at the University of Texas, "is poor.\



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