
解析:Questions 14 to 17 are based on a

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【单选题】Questions 14 to 17 are based on a conversation between Professor Lambert and a visitor,Dale Kohler. You now have 20 seconds to read Questions 14 to 17. What isDale Kohler
[A]A、computer programmer. [B]A、research assistant.
[C]A、project manager. [D]A、special agent for the government.

[听力原文]17-20 W: These are lovely buildings. I’ve never been to this part of the university before. M: It’s a bit out of the way. Where do you normally, uh, hang out W: Computer labs, sir; I’m a research assistant for a special project on a combined government and pri-vate-sector grant. M: We haven’t introduced ourselves. I, of course, am Roger Lambert. W: Dale Kohler, sir. I really appreciate your seeing me. M: Let’s sit down. You said you know my sister’s daughter, Verna. I’m very curious to know how she’s doing. Very. W: Now it’s not very so good, sir. Her little girl’s about one and a half, and I guess that’s a demanding age, at least Verna says the kid is driving her crazy, babbling and getting into things all the time. The project she’s living in is not a good place. She has no real friends. M: Is there anything, you think, I could do for Verna W: Do what I do, sir. Remember her in your prayers. M: That is certainly the least I can do. Do give her my love when you see her next time. W: Also, if I may say, you could visit her yourself. M: She has not once sought to reach me. Now, was there anything you wanted to talk to me about W: Yes. I was wondering, sir, about a grant: whether the university would like me to pursue what I’ve been doing. Are you giving me the green light on my project M: Not at all. It’s not for me to give you a light of any color. If you want to apply for a special research grant from the university, they have all the appropriate forms in the front offices downstairs. The head of the Grants Committee is a very nice man, I can tell you, called John Clark. Good luck. W: We’ll be in touch. 在第二个话轮女士的第二句中指出:I’m a research assistant for...,因此本题答案是[B]。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>

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