

来源:网考网公共英语 所有评论


D、vAlign=top width="100%"> My name is JaneEyre and my parents died when I was a baby. For ten years I lived a{{U}} (36) {{/U}}life with my aunt and cousins who treated me unfairly. My cousins teased me and my aunt never showed me any{{U}} (37) {{/U}}.The only person who cared about me was the maid,Bessie. One day my cousin John{{U}} (38) {{/U}}me:"You should go and beg, not live with rich folks like us! "After fighting with him I was locked in a room, where I{{U}} (39) {{/U}}for hours crying.
Things{{U}} (40) {{/U}}the same until a tall gentleman called Mr.Brockehurst came to visit. My aunt told me that I was going to a school{{U}} (41) {{/U}}by the gentleman. "Train her to be useful and humble," saidAunt. Two days later I{{U}} (42) {{/U}}my home.
At first my{{U}} (43) {{/U}}at Lowood School was not easy. The food was bad and I was often cold but I made{{U}} (44) {{/U}}and enjoyed studying.But after an illness killed several students, new owners{{U}} (45) {{/U}}the school and life improve
D、Six years later I{{U}} (46) {{/U}}a teacher and was very happy.But eventually(最后) I felt that I should explore more of the world and found a job as a private teacher in a{{U}} (47) {{/U}}.
Before I left Lowood, I was{{U}} (48) {{/U}}byBessie, who told me that seven years ago my father’s brother had come{{U}} (49) {{/U}}me but left again to go abroa
D、"He looked like quite a gentleman," saidBessie. I wondered if he would ever look for me again.
My new life{{U}} (50) {{/U}}at Thornfield Hall, a large country house,{{U}} (51) {{/U}}a little girl calledAdele. She was the adopted(被收养的) daughter of the owner of the house, Mr Rochester. He{{U}} (52) {{/U}}stayed at Thornfield and{{U}} (53) {{/U}}my time was mainly spent withAdele and the servants. My life was quite happy now although there was something{{U}} (54) {{/U}}about my new home. Often I heard odd (奇怪的) sounds{{U}} (55) {{/U}}from the top floor of the house.




[解析] 从前面可知“我”开始了新的工作——家教。此处是对新工作的具体说明,即教一个名叫Adele的女孩。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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