
解析:Christmas is coming. It is celebra

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【单选题】Christmas is coming. It is celebrated every year onDecember 25 and it is the most celebrated holiday in the worl
D、It is celebrated inEurope, NoahAmerica, SouthAmerica and in every country that has been touched by western culture.Christmas celebrates the birth of JesusChrist. Today, most people who celebrateChristmas are notChristians (基督徒). They celebrate the holiday becauseChristmas is an opportunity for people to show the "good feelings" they have for each other.Christmas is called "the season of giving." It is the time of year when people give gifts to others to show how much they love them or just to show how much they appreciate them. We give gifts to our family and we also give gifts to close friends. Many people also give gifts to people who have performed services for them through the year, like the postman or the cleaner.AndChristmas is the time of year we remember that many people are less fortunate than us: the poor, the sick and the lonely; and we try to help them in any way we can.
We give gifts to family and friends because in this way we can get something back.
C.Doesn’t say.


根据第六行“It is the time of year when people give gifts to others to show how much they love them or just to show how much they appreciate them.”可知人们是为了表达对他人的关爱和欣赏才赠送礼物的,而非为了索取,故选B。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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