
解析:What do you think the man is A、

来源:网考网公共英语 所有评论

【单选题】What do you think the man is
B.B、An assistant of a bookstore.
A、foreign visitor to a school.


[听力原文] - M: You’re a new comer, aren’t you W: Yes, I am. My name is Lily. I came here last week. My family have just moved to this city. M: Welcome, Lily. I’m your English teacher. Do you like English W: Yes. I like the language very much. I think it’s important to learn it well. M: You speak English very well. How long have you been learning the language W: For five and a half years. Here is my old textbook. M: Do you find it easy to learn W: It’s hard to say. Sometimes it seems very easy, but sometimes it’s rather hard. Some sentences are too difficult for me to understand, especially that long one with idioms in it. M: Please show me the sentence you’re talking about. What page is it on W. It’s near the end of the book on the last page but one. Right here, in this middle paragraph. document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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