
解析:TheAmerican need to own things is p

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【单选题】TheAmerican need to own things is partly the result of mass advertising, (26) urges consumers to discard last year’ s car or clothing in (27) of the current models with the latest designs. Some people are (28) that they must" (29) the Jones," that they must have whatever their neighbors have. The old car or the old stereo set (30) work perfectly, but a newer and bigger one might (31) the family’ s esteem in the community. Possessions become (32) of financial success; they elevate (33) social status.
Advertisers also (34) to theAmerican desire to look youthful and be physically attractive.Commercials attempt to sell many products—shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant and soap, for example— (35) implying that their particular (36) will help its user be more appealing.
ButAmericans also make many (37) for practical reasons. They buy (38) devices to do routine household chores more quickly and easily.Every housewife wants a vacuum cleaner, an electric mixer, a steam iron, an automatic clothes washer and dryer, and a dishwasher. (39) every home-owning husband would like a power lawn mower, as now -blower, and an electric drill.
Americans also buy things (40) they like to do things.Equipment (41) hobbies and books about "do-it-yourself’ projects are very popular.Americans want to know how to cook with a "continental" flair while refinishing the bedroom furniture and (42) a million dollars in the stock market. TheAmerican (43) of activity is part of a generally (44) outlook on life, a belief that the value of knowledge is (45) to its usefulness.



love意为欲望、爱好。最符合题意。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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