

来源:网考网公共英语 所有评论


What is paper made form When we {{U}} (41) {{/U}}books or newspapers, we seldom stop and think about the things {{U}} (42) {{/U}} to make them. {{U}} (43) {{/U}} paper our lives would be very different.
Paper is one of {{U}} (44) {{/U}} important inventions(发明) of all time. The people inEgypt (埃及) first used a kind of grass like plant to {{U}} (45) {{/U}} paper around five {{U}} (46) {{/U}} years ago. 3000 years later, aChinese man created a new {{U}} (47) {{/U}} of paper using pieces of old cloth. Then for several hundred years, people {{U}} (48) {{/U}} the world had been using thisChinese method to make paper. In 1838, aCanadian man invented a {{U}} (49) {{/U}} method of papermaking using wooD、Today, most of the paper we use is made from {{U}} (50) {{/U}}.
A.[A] thousands of
B.[B] thousand

C、[C] thousands


[解析] 考查固定短语。表示“几千年”,thousand不能变复数。但表示“成千上万的”,是thousands of,thousand要变成复数。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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