
解析:Today I would like to tell you abou

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【单选题】Today I would like to tell you about the effects of old age on health.Actually today a lot of improvements have taken place in the care of old people and old people’s health is not nearly so bad as it used to be.
Probably many of the fears that people have of growing old are greatly exaggerated(夸大). Most people, for example, dread becoming senile.But in fact very few people become senile Perhaps only about 15% of those over 65 become senile.Actually much more common is in fact caused by doctors ourselves.And that is over-medication. Nearly 80% of people over 65 have at least one serious illness, such as high blood pressure, heating difficulty or heart diseaseAnd very often to combat these they take a number of drugs and of course sometimes there are interactions among those drugs.And this can cause a lot of complications from mental confusions, very commonly, to disturbance of the heart rhythrn(节奏). So this is a problem that doctors have to watch out for.
Probably the most ignored disorder among old people is depression. Maybe about 15% of older people suffer from this condition.
A、lot of it is caused by this over-medication which we mentioneD、
Although it is better now for old people we have to admit that the body does change as we grow older. The immune(免疫的) system starts to decline and there are changes in metabolism(新陈代谢), lungs, the senses, the brain and the skin.
So what should an old person do to counteract these changes
He or she should eat a balanced diet -- not too much fat -- chicken or fish should be eaten rather than eggs or beef.Eat more high-fiber and vitamin-rich foods, such as vegetables and fruit.
The old person should give up smoking if he hasn’t already done so. He should also do regular exercises -- at least half an hour, three times a week. No section of the population can benefit more from exercise than the elderly.
In order to keep healthy, old people should do all the following items except ______.
A、giving up smoking
B.eating a balanced diet
C.eating eggs and beef
D.doing regular exercises


细节题。文章倒数第二段第一句后半部分明确指出:... chicken or fish should be eaten rather than eggs or beef,即可以吃鸡肉或鱼,不应吃蛋和牛肉。此外,该句后一句又指出应多吃蔬菜水果。因此本题答案为[C]。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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