
解析:Summer holiday camps (夏令营) for chi

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【单选题】Summer holiday camps (夏令营) for children began in the US
A、over sixteen years ago. Today there are (41) than 8,000 summer camps in the United States and every year (42) . four million children pass through their gates (43) June andAugust. Some (44) by bus every day from the nearest town. (45) stay as campers for one or two weeks. Quite a lot of children go off to camp (46) the whole of the summer holiday. The people there are young and (47) There is good food and lots of interesting things (48) . In many camps children learn things (49) cooking and drawing pictures.Every evening there are camp fires and games.Everyone goes to bed (50) but happy.

C.The other


[精析] 本题考查的是代词辨析。another表示“另一个”;0thers表 示“其他人/物”the other表示“另一个”。此句话前面讲到“Some come by bus every day from the nearest town.有些人每天从附近的城镇乘坐公交 车来这里”,接下来要说的是“另外一些人…”。因此根据句意应该选择 [B] 。 [知识拓展] 当指两者中的另外一个时,用the other;another用于三者或 以上,指同类事物中的另一个,用于单数可数名词。例如:Buy two CDs and get another free.买两张CD,可以另外得一张免费的(买二送一)。 others表示整体中的另外一部分。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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