
解析:Where is the man going to make a pr

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【单选题】Where is the man going to make a presentation
A、At an automobile factory.
B、At an electrical engineering class.
C、At a meeting of a public speaking cluB、
D、At a conference on industrial automation.

[解析] W: Hi! Paul. All set for your speech club presentation this evening M: Yes, I’m going to discuss robots. W: Robots You mean, those machines that walk and talk like in the movies M: No, industrial robots, like those used in the automotive and electronics industries. W: I saw an article about that kind of robot the other day. There were pictures of robots welding cars, but they certainly didn’t look the way I thought robots should look. M: The robots we usually imagine are made up in science fiction. In industry, robots are designed to do a specific set of operations such as welding car frames. They are rarely built to resemble humans. W: Actually, all they need is a kind of brain to give signals and a mechanism such as an arm to carry out instructions, right M: Right! Tiny computers become the brains of these robots. The computer sends signals in the form of electrical impulses that move an arm and a claw. The claw is the hand that does a particular kind of work. Some new industrial robots can reach to a number of tasks and it’s easy to reprogram them to perform totally different operations. That’s one reason why they’re becoming so popular. W: They increase productivity, don’t they I mean that even though they’re still quite expensive, they often cost less time doing the same job. I imagine robot will be used more and more. M: Exactly. So now that you know all about the next industrial revolution, you don’t have to come to speech club tonight. document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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