
解析:A、dream is made up of a train of m

来源:网考网公共英语 所有评论

A、dream is made up of a train of mind-pictures that form during sleep. The people and actions in these pictures seem real to the person who is dreaming.
When a person is asleep, he has little or no control over his minD、Then ideas and feelings come out to form the mind-picture known as dreams.
Dreams may be influenced (影响) by different things that are present during sleep. If a person is cold, he may dream that he is out in a snowstorm (暴风雪) .
Some people think that they do not often dream, and other people are quite sure that they do not dream at all. However, studies have shown that everyone dreams every night. If a person thinks he does not dream, it is because he does not remember dreaming when he wakes up.
As a matter of fact, not only does everyone dream, but it seems that we all need to dream.Dreams give us a chance of escape (逃离) from the rules of our real worlD、In dreams we can see our wishes come true. We can be rich, powerful, and successful.
Dreaming is important to us ______.
A、because we can enjoy a care-free life in our dreams
B.but we are not sure just how important it is
C.because we can have a good rest


[精析] [句意] 梦对于我们来说重要______。从句子“Dreams give us a chance of escape(逃离)from the rules of our real world.”“梦给我们机会 让我们可以逃离现实世界中的条条框框。”可以得知我们在睡梦中可以尽情 地享受轻松愉快的生活。因此,选项[A] 正确。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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