
解析:{{B}}PartC{{/B}} Answer questio

来源:网考网公共英语 所有评论

Answer questions 71~80 by referring to the following games.
Note:Answer each question by choosingA,B,
C、orD、and mark it onANSWER SHEET 1. Some choices may be required more than once.

Which book(s) say(s) that...

·the climate affects the future sustainable agricultural development 71.______
·environmental control is related with the national revenues 72.______
·the environmental problems are not caused overnight 73.______
·a variety of species are on the decrease74.______
·agriculture is also a factor for file degradation of environment 75.______
·pollution can be controlled by increasing the production cost of polluting goods 76. ______
·pollution control needs the support of technology and techniques 77. ______
·provides lessons for agriculture, trade, land u~e and tax policy from an economic perspective78.______
·the degradation of environment causes the change of climate 79.______
·the approaches to research should be adjusted to the changing situation 80. ______
The book offers a comprehensive perspective on the consequences and possible policy solutions for climatic change as we move into the twenty-first century. It assesses the impact of potential feature global climate change on agriculture and the need to sustain agricultural growth for the economic development.
The book begins by examining the role of international research institutions in overcoming environmental constraints on sustainable agricultural growth and economic development. The authors then discuss how agricultural research systems may be restructured to respond to global environmental problems such as climate change and loss of genetic diversity. The discussion then extends to consider environmental accounting and indexing, to illustrate how environmental quality can be included formally in measures of national income, social welfare and sustainability. The third part of the book focuses on the effects of and policy responses to climate change.Chapters in this part examine the effect of climate change on production, trade, land use patterns and livelihoods. They consider impacts on the distribution of income between developed and developing countries remain a major economic activity.Authors take on an economy-wide perspective to draw lessons for agriculture, trade, land use and tax policy.
The ozone layer is threatened by chemical emissions; the climate is endangered from fossil and deforestation, and global biodiversity is being lost by reason of thousands of years of habitat conversions. Global environmental problems arise out of the accumulated impacts from many years’ and many countries’ economic development. In order to address these problems the states of the world must cooperate to manage their development processes together--this is what an international environmental agreement must do.But can the world’s countries cooperate successfully to manage global development How should they manage it Who should pay for the process, as well as for the underlying problems
This book presents an examination of both the problem and the process underlying international environmental lawmaking: the recognition of international interdependence, the negotiation of international agreements and the evolution of international resource management. It examines the general problem of global resource management by means of general principles and case studies and by looking at how and why specific negotiations and agreements have failed to achieve their targets.
The book is designed as an introductory text for those studying global environmental policy making and institution buildin
试题答案:A 答案解析:[解析] 由A中的第二段“…to illustrate how environmental quality can be included formally in measures of national income,socialwelfare and sustalnability.”可知。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>

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