
解析:Which of the following would the w

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【单选题】 Which of the following would the writer most likely disagree with
A.Individuality is a luxury idea.
B.Persons have the right to dress what they like and show their rich if they choose to do so.
C.Uniforms would have an impact on the fashion industry.
D.Freedom of choice is a right that cannot be influenced by a government.


[解析] 文章第二段第二行(What could be more important than the individual himself)表明作者强调个人的重要。从全文可知他认为自由、动机和个性极为重要,没有这些,人们就不会那么努力工作,父母也不会那么辛勤,因为他们没有动机,辛勤劳动与否都是一个样子,如穿着同样的制服。从作者这些观点中,我们判断,他不可能同意A项,故应选A。 查看试题解析出处>>


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