
解析:Directions: Read the followi

来源:网考网公共英语 所有评论

Read the following text.Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and markA,B,C、orD、onANSWER SHEET 1.

Many people want to become famous, but don’t know how.Here I’d like to tell about how to become known or get closer to people.
There are certain qualities that you have to remember while {{U}} (26) {{/U}} people, be it a friend, a neighbor or anybody {{U}} (27) {{/U}} you.The first thing is to remember their names and birthdays and never {{U}} (28) {{/U}} them if you want to get closer to them, because this is {{U}} (29) {{/U}} you start getting closer to people.You will have to reduce {{U}} (30) {{/U}} about yourself and start listening a lot.One of the important {{U}} (31) {{/U}} which can be used to get closer to people is to listen to them.{{U}} (32) {{/U}} in today’s management studies, listening is a very, basic necessity in {{U}} (33) {{/U}} such as business negotiations and international exchanges.{{U}} (34) {{/U}} people to speak about themselves and be {{U}} (35) {{/U}} interested in them.
Another quality you will have to {{U}} (36) {{/U}} is to appreciate people because everybody needs appreciation, but do not{{U}} (37) {{/U}} it too far.If you are appreciating, let it be from the {{U}} (38) {{/U}} of your heart.Everybody has got some good qualities or other which can be {{U}} (39) {{/U}} .So appreciate the good qualities.See to it that they don’t feel {{U}} (40) {{/U}} .
Always remember to have a smile {{U}} (41) {{/U}} your face whenever you meet people, because people don’t like crying faces.Develop a good {{U}} (42) {{/U}} of humor.Most important of all is to be {{U}} (43) {{/U}} .So by all these you must know the {{U}} (44) {{/U}} to reach people. Try those essentials{{U}} (45) {{/U}} you will see people getting closer to you.


[解析] 名词辨析。空白处后的“business negotiations(商务谈判)”和 “international exchanges(国际交流)”是空白处的名词的实例,由此可知,空白处应选择[A] circumstances(境况,情形)。其他名词的含义为:[B] consuItatiml咨询,协商;[C] correspondmice通信;[D] communication交 流,交际。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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