
解析:LGElectronics Inc, the world’s No.

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【单选题】LGElectronics Inc, the world’s No. 3 mobile phone handset maker, said on Tuesday that it had (26) picked to (27) third-generation (3G) mobile handsets to all three carriers inChinA、AsChinese operators roll out long-waited advanced mobile services this year, the (28) for 3G handsets inChina was (29) to more than (30) to 30 million units in 2010 from 14 million this year, LG said in a statement.
Analysts said South Korean mobile phone (31) SamsungElectronicsCo. Ltd and LG could benefit (32) China’s 3G service launches, as they had technological leads (33) Chinese companies in making phones (34) sophisticated 3G features.
The world’s top handset maker Nokia is (35) to focus on the WCDMA、network inChina, (36) Korean makers have been selling phones for different standards (37) home and (38) .
LG, which trails Nokia and Samsung, said it was named (39) a supplier toChina Mobile, the world’s largest mobile carrier by subscribers, (40) is set to offer 3G mobile service using the nation’s homegrown TD-SCDMA、technology. Few handsets for the TDSCDMA、network (41) available from international brands.
"LG has so far had weak sales inChina due (42) its low coverage of distribution networks there.Direct (43) to supply major operators mean that its business model is changing," said HarrisonCho, an analyst at MiraeAsset Securities, "but as for (44) fast theChinese 3G market will (45) , uncertainties remain.\
C.to be


[解析] 本题考查被动语态。根据题意“LG被选为中国3G手机的供应商”,LG与pick之间是动宾关系,应用被动语态,所以答案为B。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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