
解析:Human beings have eaten apples for

来源:网考网公共英语 所有评论

【单选题】Human beings have eaten apples for millions of years. Scientists agree that 85 percent of apples is water and they can grow in almost everywhere except the hottest and the coldest places.As is known to all,China and the United States are the two major countries in producing apples.
There are a great variety of apples. Surprisingly, the majority of apples are for sale without any processing. Various sorts of apples are grown in the US, among whichDelicious, GoldenDelicious, and Mclntosh are the most common ones.
Apples are different from each other in color, taste and size. The color of the skin might be green, red or yellow. They have a wide range of sizes, among whichDelicious apples are the largest. The taste might be divided into two categories: sweet or sour (酸的) . Generally speaking, sweet apples are eaten while sour apples are utilized to make applesauce (苹果酱).
Apple trees may grow to thirteen meters, They grow best in those areas where winters are severely colD、Winter is beneficial to the tree, though no fruit can be yielded during this cold perioD、
In the last sentence, the underlined word "yielded" means "______".

A、produced B、grown C、improved D、sold

[解析] 本题为释义题。首先看到这是被动句,在冬天不产水果,根据常识,结合选项后选A。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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