
解析:With a newCongress drawing near,Dem

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【单选题】With a newCongress drawing near,Democrats and Republicans are busily designing competing economic stimulus packages. The Republicans are sure to offer tax cuts, theDemocrats -- among other things -- financial relief for the states. There is one measure, however, that would provide not only an immediate boost to the economy but also immediate relief to those most in need: a carefully crafted extension of the federal unemployment insurance program. The Senate approved such an extension before it adjourned" in November. The House of Representatives refused to go along. It was among the greatest failures of the 107thCongress.
One consequence is that jobless benefits for an estimated 780,000Americans will abruptly stop tomorrow, even though most recipients have not yet exhausted their benefits. PresidentBush failed to show any leadership on this matter during the NovemberCongress. Later, he finally askedCongress to extend the program for these workers and to make the benefits effective fromDeC、28.
That’s not enough. The way unemployment insurance typically works is that states provide laid-off workers with 26 weeks of benefits, followed by 13 weeks of federal ai
D、Under Mr.Bush’s scheme, federal benefits would be extended only for those who were already receiving them onDeC、28. The extension would not cover the jobless workers who will exhaust their regular state-funded benefits afterDeC、28 -- an estimated 95,000 every week -- but will receive no federal help unless the program is re-authorize
D、By the end of March, 1.2 million workers could fall into this category.
The Senate saw this problem coming, and under the leadership of Hillary RodhamClinton for New York andDon Nickles of Oklahoma, passed a bill that would not only have covered people already enrolled in the federal program but provided 13 weeks of assistance for those losing their state benefits in the new year. The House, for largely trivial reasons, refused to go along.
Bill Frist, the new Senate majority leader, says he is looking for ways to put a kinder, gentler face on the Republican Party. Passing theClinton-Nickles bill would be a good way to begin. The House should then follow suit. One of the House’s complaints last year was that, at $ 5 billion, theClinton-Nickles bill was too expensive. That’s ridiculous, considering the costs of the tax cuts that House Republicans have in min
The unemployment rate last month stood at 6 percent, the highest since mid-1994. The country could use a $ 5 billion shot in the arm right about now. So could a lot of increasingly desperate people.
Why did the author say the House’s complaint was ridiculous
[A] The reasons it offers are largely insignificant.
[B] TheClinton-Nickles bill was too expensive.
[C] Its tax cuts proposal is even more costly.
[D] The estimated cost for the bill is just $ 5 billion.

[精析] 该题为推理题。根据第五段最后一句“That’s ridiculous, considering the costs of the tax cuts that House Republicans have in mind.”可知,作者之所以认为众议院关于克林顿一尼克斯议案耗资太多的抱怨是可笑的,是凶为众议院共和党减税计划的预计成本费用更多,故选C。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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