
解析:Mr.Cook works in a hospital. His me

来源:网考网公共英语 所有评论

【单选题】Mr.Cook works in a hospital. His medical skill (医术) is good and a lot of people ask him to look them over and he gets more money than any other doctor does. One day he bought a new beautiful house and moved into it soon. That evening he held a party near his garden and all his friends came to congratulate (庆祝) him. They were all very happy and sang and danced until late at night.And when his friends left, he went to bed and soon went to sleep.But his wife woke him up after half an hour.
"Listen, dear!" said the woman. "The water is leaking (漏) in the toilet (浴室). I can’t go to sleep for it.Call the worker to come to mend it."
Mr.Cook had to do as she tolD、But the telephone call made the worker angry,
"It’ s two in the night, sir!" shouted the worker. "I’ve never gone to mend anything late at night!"
"Does it have anything to do with (与……有关) the time " asked Mr.Cook. "Wouldn’t you ask me to go to your house if your son were ill at two or three in the night "
"Well, then," said the worker. "Now, let me tell you a way. Put two aspirins into the flush tank (冰箱).Call me tomorrow morning if it feels unwell still!\
The worker sometimes asks Mr.Cook to go to his house when his boy is ill at two or three in the night.

C.Doesn’t say.


库克医生问了工人一句话:“Wouldn’t you ask me to go to your house if your son were ill at two or three in the night ”要注意这句话是个虚拟句,医生是提出了个假设。这个句子所提到情况并不是事实。所以选择B。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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