
解析:The firstEnglish dictionary, called

来源:网考网公共英语 所有评论

【单选题】The firstEnglish dictionary, called anAlphabetical Table of Hard Words, was published in 1604. The dictionary was actually (26) a list of about 3 000 difficult words, each followed by a one word (27) . The author, RobertCawdrey, (28) to include everyday words in his dictionary. (29) , he reasoned, would ever have to look up a word in a dictionary if he already knew the meaning of the worD、During the 1600’ s more dictionaries were publisheD、Each followedCawdrey’ s (30) and presented a few thousand (31) words.Around 1700 one dictionary maker, John Kersey, (32) define easy words as well as hard ones.But until the 1750’ s all dictionaries were rather (33) and not very valuable.

A、man namedDr. Samuel Johnson (34) all this. In 1755Dr. Johnson produced the first modern dictionary. He (35) in his dictionary all important words, both easy and hard, and he gave good meanings. He also gave good sentences to show how each word was (36) used in speech and (37) .By the end of the 1700’ s most dictionary makers (38) Johnson’ s leaD、Dictionaries were getting better and better.
The 1800’ s (39) the greatest improvement (40) the quality of dictionaries. InEngland scholars planned and prepared the OxfordEnglish dictionary, a (41) work. One of the most interesting (42) of the OxfordDictionary is its word histories. It (43) the history of each word from its earliest (44) use (45) the time of the printing of the dictionary.



由年代、时间段等一些指物名词做主语,see、show、witness等动词做谓语构成英语中比较活泼的一种表达方式。本题就属于该种类型。可以翻译为:1800年代见证了词典编撰质量的巨大进步。其他三个词虽然在词义上并无重大不妥,但是与see相比仍较逊色。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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