
解析:Life insurance is one way to make s

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【单选题】Life insurance is one way to make sure a man’s family will have enough money to carry on after his death.The family must have money to (26) various costs.
Life insurance premiums are based on the (27) of time the insurance company (28) the policyholder to live.A、young person in good health (29) a small premium because he is expected to (30) yearly payments for a long time.
There are several different kinds of life insurance. (31) Mr.Smith(30 years old), buys a$50,000 (32) life insurance policy on a whole life (33) .This means he can keep the policy in force (34) he lives.When he dies,the insurance company will pay his family $50,000.Mr.Smith might have been able to save this (35) or more in a savings bank. (36) if he died unexpectedly at (34) , he probably would not have had time or enough money to save$50,000.
If at any time Mr.Smith decides to (37) his policy the company will pay him the policy’s cash (38) .The cash value is part of the amount Mr.Smith has paid (39) the policy.When he takes the policy out,he is told (40) its cash value is at that time.Some policies are designed to (41) valued more quickly than other policies.
Mr.Smith can also borrow against the cash value (42) giving up his policy.But he has to pay (43) on the loan because the money comes from the insurance company.If he should die, the amount of the loan is (44) from the insurance.It is a good idea to borrow like this only (45) an emergency and to repay the loan as soon as possible.


[解析] 本题测试搭配。on a basis为固定搭配,意为“在…基础上”,on a whole life basis表示“基于一生”,因此[B] 选项正确。[A] base迷惑性很强, base用作动词时,与on搭配,base…on表示“基于…”,但base用作名词 时,表示“基地,根基”。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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