
解析:Todd was working at his gas station

来源:网考网公共英语 所有评论

【单选题】Todd was working at his gas station at night when he heard over the radio that a (16) in Long Island had been (17) by an armed man who had killed the night guard and got away with $150,000. "One hundred and fifty thousand," Todd whistleD、Here’s a fellow who just (18) into a bank and helped himself (19) so much money. Todd thought of the (20) with which he managed to get the amount of money he (21) to start his gas station. So many papers to (22) , so much money to pay back.
The news (23) twenty minutes later. The gunman had (24) a car for a ride, and then (25) out the driver. He was possibly (26) the Southern State Parkway in a white ForD、License plate (车牌) number LJR1939. The (27) of the announcer continued: " (28) out for white cars.Don’t pick up strangers, and all you folks in gas stations better not do (29) to a white Ford car."
Todd stood up and (30) to see out into the cold night. It was dark but Todd (31) the Southern State Parkway was out there. Just then, Todd saw the headlights coming at him and a car pulled in for (32) . There it was, a white ForD、He saw the (33) , LJR1939.
"What shall I do " Todd had to make a quick decision.
"Yes, sir " Todd asked while making up his mind for sure.
" (34) her up," the man said sounding like any other driver.
When the tank was full, Todd quickly turned round and pointed a gun at the man. "Hands up (35) get out!\


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