
解析:Paragraph One: According to the

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【单选题】Paragraph One:
According to the record in the inscriptions(题字,碑铭), ancientChina Post originated in the Yin-ShangDynasty, prosperous (繁荣)in the ZhouDynasty, popular in the Spring-Autumn and the Warring States Periods (770-221
B、C、.Confucius said, "The propagation (传播) of moral is as rapid as post delivery", which described the popularity of the post.
Paragraph Two:
AncientChinese post system was the special communication organization for govern ment, which only delivered official documents and not private letters. Public communication which was organized by individuals developed slowly.By the coddle stage of MingDynasty, with the progress of productive forces and the increase of the requirements for public communication, private-owned post offices were create
D、By late Qing, the number of private owned post offices had exceeded several thousands, forming their own communication network, which became the public communication organization in parallel with official posts.
Paragraph Three:
The spread of modem post toChina appeared in the form of so called "Guest Post", which was the post organization set up by western powers which violated (侵犯)Chinese sovereignty (主权). The invasion of "Guest Post" toChina originated from the trading of western merchants inChina after the discovery of shipping line on seas.
Paragraph Four:
After the founding of the People’s Republic ofChina in 1949,China Post entered a new development perio
D、China Post was created on the basis of the post in the liberated area and theChinese PostalAdministration which had been taken over and transforme
D、After the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications was founded, it undertook to establish new management system, restore and develop postal network, unify the service categories and the standards of postage, pose the service principle as Speed,Accuracy, Security andConvenience, and establish and perfect the business management system.By doing so, the postal cause inChina gained an initial development.
Paragraph Five:
In the early 1960s, with the vigorous upsurge (高潮、上升) of the national independence movement inAfrica,China established direct postal relations with many newly independentAfrican countries.By the end of 1965, 77 countries and regions in all the continents of the world had established the direct postal relations withChina, which was a two time increase compared to that of 26 in 1949.African countries increased from 2 to 18.
Now match each paragraph to the appropriate title.
Note: there are two extra titles.
[A] The Relationship betweenChina Post and Overseas post office
[B] Origin andCharacteristics of Post
[C] Modification and Reorganization of Post
[D] TheDevelopment of theAncient PublicCommunication
[E]Appearance of Special PublicCommunication
[F] Invasion of "Guest Post"
[G]Establishment and initialDevelopment of Post in P.R.China Paragraph Two

从第二段头两句“古代中国的邮政系统是政府专用的信息交流组织,它只传递公文而不是私人信件。由个人组织的公共通讯发展缓慢。”可知这段讲的是“古代公共信息的发展”,所以答案[D]符合题意。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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