
解析:France,England, and Spain were the

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【单选题】France,England, and Spain were the threeEuropean powers in the New WorlD、Each had come for different purposes.
The first Spanish came to the New World searching for wealth, power, and glory. There they explored(探险) and conquered much of North, South, andCentralAmericA、TheEnglish, on the other hand, generally came to build new lanD、They built settlements(殖民地) along the coast.
Different from both Spain andEngland, the French were less interested in conquest(征服) than in trade. Their first settlements were trading posts(贸易区) where they sold cloth, knives, and guns to the Indians for the skin of the beaver(河狸). Like the Spanish, they seldom brought their families. Unlike theEnglish, they didn’t fight against the Indians for the possession of the lanD、
Because there were far fewer French thanEnglish inAmerica, they did not threaten the India way of life as theEnglish diD、
Which of the following is NOT mentioned(提及) in the passage
A、France,England and Spain were powerful in the New WorlD、
B、France,England and Spain all came to build new lives in the new lanD、
C、The French was different from Spain andEnglanD、
D、The French seldom brought their families to the New WorlD、

由文章第二段可知,法国人、英国人和西班牙人来新大陆的目的各不相同,因此B项是错的。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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