
解析:Mary was very fond of television, s

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【单选题】Mary was very fond of television, so when she met a young man (36) worked for a television company, she was very (37) and asked him a lot of questions. She discovered that he had also worked for a film company, so she asked him (38) there was any difference (39) film work and television. " (40) ," answered the young man, "there is one very big (41) . If someone makes a (42) while a film is being made, it is, of course, (43) to stop and do the scene again. In fact, one can do it over and over again a lot of (44) . Mistakes (45) time, money and films, but the audience (观众) who see the film (46) it is finished don’t know that anything went wrong. In a live (实况播送的) television show, (47) the audience can see any mistakes that are made. I can tell you a story about that. (48) ,a live television show (49) and one of the actors was supposed (50) . He fell to the (51) and the camera moved to (52) to allow time for me to run out (53) a bottle of tomato sauce (蕃茄酱) to pour on to him (54) blooD、But (55) the camera turned back to him (56) I had finished, and the audience saw me pouring the sauce on to the man. "
"Oh, how terrible!" (57) saiD、"And what did you do then "
"Well, "answered the young man," our television director is a very strict man. (58) anyone makes a mistake, he will fire him at once. So what could I do I just had to (59) that this was part of the story, and (60) the man. \
A、ground B、actorsC、stage D、camera

此句意为“他跌倒在地”,故应选ground。容易混淆的选项是C,但stage是舞台,这里的上下文中都没有提到是在舞台上拍摄,故应排除,至于选项B中的actors和D中的camera更与句意不符。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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