
解析:Today, in many high schools, teachi

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【单选题】Today, in many high schools, teaching is now a technical miracle of computer labs, digital cameras,DVD、players and laptops. Teachers e-mail parents, post messages for students on online bulletin boards, and take attendance with a quick movement of a mouse.
Even though we are now living in the digital age, the basic and most important element of education — the human connection — has not changeD、Most students still need that one-on-one, teacher-student relationship to learn and to succeeD、Teenagers need instruction inEnglish, math or history, but they also want personal advice and encouragement. Kids talk with me about their families, their weekend plans, their favorite TV shows and their relationship problems. In myEnglish and journalism classes, we talk about Shakespeare and persuasive essays, but we also discuss college basketball and career choices. Students show me pictures of their rebuilt cars, their family vacations, and their newborn baby brothers. This personal connection is the vital link between teacher and student that no amount of technology can improve upon or replace.
A、few years ago I had a student in sophomoreEnglish who was struggling with my class and with school in general.Although he was a humorous young man who liked to joke around, I knew his family life was far from ideal. Whenever I approached him about missing homework or low test grades, he always had the same reply: "It doesn’t matter because I’m quitting school anyway. "Even though he always said this in a half-teasing way, I knew he needed to hear my protests and my "value of a high school education" lecture. He needed to hear this speech from me because I understood his family problems and he knew that I believed in him.After he left my class, he struggled through the next two years of school.But, he did finally graduate because we kept telling him to hang in there. We’d cared about him finishing school.
Students rely on compassionate teachers to guide, to tutor, to listen, to laugh and to cry with them. Teachers provide the most important link in the educational process — the human one.
According to the text the writer often talks in class about ______.
A、the arrangement of school parties
B、the future of students’ job choices
C、the organization of school sports D、the planning of family vacations

细节题。短文第二段中部开始谈到作者自己的教学实践,并列举了自己与学生之间的交流内容。其中第五句指出: ...but we also discuss college basketball and career choices(……但我们也讨论大学里的篮球运动和日后的择业),其中的career choices就是[B]项中的the future of students’ job choices。其余三项都与原文不符,都属于用原文中的词句臆造出来的干扰项。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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