
解析:Beijing is to spend up to $20 billi

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【单选题】Beijing is to spend up to $20 billion to change theChinese capital into a 21 st-century one for the 2008 Olympics.
The government managed to host the 2008 Olympics. The general aim is forBeijing to have the same environmental standards as Paris, London or Washington by 2008.
Hundreds of millions of dollars will be spent piping natural gas to the city’s homes and taking away dirty coal burning gradually while 60, 000 buses will be changed to liquefied gas.
The money will also be used for relocating the polluting factories and building green belts.By 2008 around 90 percent ofBeijing’s waste will be treated, compared to only 40 percent at present.
Olympic officials have already announced that around 50 large projects are being dealt with to improve traffic congestion and cut down pollution, They include the construction ofBeijing’s first light railway, a 40.5-kilometer line which is expected to be completed in 2005.
Beijing, besides, plans to build an 82.25-kilometer-long subway to add to the existing 53 kilometers. Nine major roads will be rebuilt or wideneD、
Beijing also plans to build a 70-meter-wide green belt among the waterways to protect the water quality as well as to increase the green areas.
Which of the following is true according to the passageA.The environment of London is better than that of Toronto.
B.In the first paragraph "a 21 st-century one" refers to a modern and advanced capital.

C、Beijing is badly polluted mainly by coal burning.
D.Liquefied gas is more expensive than petrol.


[精解] 判断题。题干意为“根据文章的意思,下面哪一项是正确的 ”文章开头说Beijing is to spend up to $20 billion to change the Chinese capital into a 21st-century one for the 2008 Olympics.后文又继续阐述政府为改造环境和减少阻塞而采取一系列措施,目的是为了达到世界一流城市的水平。所以本题的正确答案为B。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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