
解析:OnApril 20, 2000, inAccra, Ghana, t

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【单选题】OnApril 20, 2000, inAccra, Ghana, the leaders of six WestAfrican countries declared their intention to proceed to monetary union among the non-CF
A、franc countries of the region by January 2003, as first step toward a wider monetary union including all theECOWAS countries in 2004. The six countries (21) themselves to reducing central bank financing of budget deficits (22) 10 percent of the previous years government (23) ; reducing budget deficits to 4 percent of the second phase by 2003; creating aConvergenceCouncil to help (24) macroeconomic policies; and (25) up a common central bank. Their declaration (26) that, "Member States (27) the need (28) strong political commitment and (29) to (30) all such national policies (31) would facilitate the regional monetary integration process. "
The goal of a monetary union inECOWAS has long been an objective of the organization, going back to its formation in 1975, and is intended to (32) broader integration process that would include enhanced regional trade and (33) institutions. In the colonial period, currency boards linked sets of countries in the region. (34) independence, (35) , these currency boards were (36) , with the (37) of theCF
A、franc zone, which included the francophone countries of the region.Although there have been attempts to advance the agenda ofECOWAS monetary cooperation, political problems and other economic priorities in several of the region’s countries have to (38) inhibited progress.Although some problems remain, the recent initiative has been bolstered by the election in 1999 of a democratic government and a leader who is committed to regional (39) in Nigeria, the largest economy of the region, raising hopes that the long-delayed project can be (40) .

A、coordinateB、draft C、ordinateD、compromise

此题属于语意搭配题。coordinate表示“使协调”,如:to coordinate ideas/efforts,根据句子意思:各国承诺建立一个联合委员会以帮助处理宏观经济政策,其目的是为了发挥更好的效果,故用协调([A]coordinate)最符合题意。选项[B]draft表示“草拟”,如:to draft a speech;选项[C]ordinate跟[A]coordinate是形近词,但它是名词,意为“纵坐标”,不符合题意;选项[D]compromise表示“和解,妥协”,例如:to compromise over the hard-fought text(就……达成协议);又如:to compromise with conscience(出卖良心)。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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