
解析:The video game presents a world --

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【单选题】The video game presents a world -- a much simpler world than our own, where success is very clearly defined and, for a time, easily attaineD、Through practice, a player can control this world for a while, He can escape from the anxieties of real life into a place where his own actions always count, where he can be a hero. When the game is over, he is neither lost nor beaten.
Most video games call for some semblance of hand-and-eye coordination, and some hospitals arc now using them in recovery programs for brain-damaged patients. It has been found that some patients who were otherwise thought to be unreachable have been "brought out" through their use. Moreover, experimental research is now being conducted regarding the feasibility of video games as a test for drunken driving. Intoxicants tend to slow reaction time and impair coordination -- and nowhere is this kind of impairment more measurable than on the video game playfielD、Some day a poor showing at "Six-Pack Man" may cost you your license.
Video games for microcomputer are not restricted to mere "twitch" games, however. Strategy games are becoming more and more popular, and among these are the so-called "fantasy role playing" adventures. These games allow players to construct a whole personality, choosing strengths and weaknesses from a list of possible character traits.
Nowadays, more and more adolescents are crowded in electronic game houses for days to experience what they perceive to be excitement. In due course, they train their abilities in confronting with new situations, and what’s more, they learn how to communicate with their targeted rivals, in a novel and friendly way.But there is such a large amount of criticism concerning the electronic games that they are generally seen as a way of infecting hostility and belligerence.And the managers of such business are severely criticized by the schools and parents alike. On the 6ther hand, this business seems never fading. Instead, it becomes a success in many places, even if it is strictly controlled by certain policies.
Video games mirror a balance between reality and our own wishes. It has become all outlet for emotion.But we should bear in mind that everything has two sides. Video games would also do harm to us if we are reduced to its prisoners.
According to the article, the video game player can ______.
A、be successful in his life if success is clearly defined
B、control the world of our own for a time
C、forget about the uneasiness of real life for a while
D、never lose the game when he plays a hero

[解析] 文章第一句谈到电子游戏所创造的世界中对成功的定义非常明确,这并不能推出如果在真实世界中对成功有明确定义的话,玩电子游戏的人就会成功,排除A项;第二句中的this world指的是上文提到的电子游戏创造的虚拟世界,而不是the world of our own,排除B项;C项可由第二段第二、第三两句推出,是正确答案。D项将两句话拼凑在一起,与作者本意不符。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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