
解析:Text After 20 years of marriag

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After 20 years of marriage, a husband may still not understand his wife. How is it that she is never at a (26) for words How can she (27) the names of a couple they met on (28) years ago Now we know (29) to tell him: it’s her brain.
Although there are obviously cultural (30) for the differences in emotions and behavior, (31) breakthrough research reveals that the (32) of many puzzling differences between men and women may (33) in the heaD、Men’s and women’s brains (34) much in common, but they are definitely not the same (35) size, structure or insight.Broadly speaking, a woman’s brain, like her body, is ten to fifteen per cent smaller than a man’s, (36) the regions dedicated to language may be more densely (37) with brain ceils.
Girls generally speak earlier and read faster. The reason may be (38) females use both sides of the brain when they reaD、In (39) , males rely only on the left side.
At every age, women’s memories (40) men’s. They have a greater ability to (41) names with faces than men do, and they are (42) at recalling list. The events people re- member best are those that an emotion is attached to. (43) women use more of their right brains, which (44) emotions, they may do this automatically.
While we don’t yet know what all these findings imply, one thing is (45) : male and female brains do the same things, but they do them differently.
A、mixB、combine C、join D、associate

[解析] mix 混合:I mixed hot milk and cocoa.我把热牛奶和可可混在一起。 join①连接;接合:~one pipe to another把一根管子与另一根接起来/He~ed the two ends of the rope together in a knot.他把绳子两头打个结连了起来。②与……会合:与……交接:Where do the two streams~each other 这两条小河在什么地方汇流 Associate ①在思想上把……联系在一起(with):We naturally~the name of Dar! win with the doctrine of evolution.我们在思想上很自然地把达尔文的名字和进化论联系在一起。②使联合;使结合在一起(with):~the two firms把两家商行联合起来/a pair of lovers who are~d for a lifelong union永结同心的一对情人 [解析] 由常识可知,人的姓名与长相之间是一一对应的关系,这里指的是女人比较善于将人的长相和名字联系起来。mix with和……混合;combine with与……结合;join with参与;associate with联合,联系文意,故选D。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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