
解析:A、Because she was already ten. B、

来源:网考网公共英语 所有评论

A、Because she was already ten.

B、Because she was Ms Peter.
C.Because she was born inBrighton.
D.Because her father got a new job there.


[听力原文] 11-13 M: Right. Your surname is Peters. P-E-T-E-R-S W: That’s right. Ruby Peters. M: And when were you born, Ms Peters W: October 4th, 1975. M: OK, Tell me something about yourself. W: Well, I was born in Brighton and I lived there until I was nine. Then we moved to Oxford because my father got a new job there. M: Did you stay in Oxford for long W: Yes, I did, I stayed there until I left school -- that’s Fendale Secondary School -- at 18. M: What did you study at school W: I studied English, French and Economics. M: And which college did you go to W: The London Business College, and I got a diploma in Marketing there. M: A diploma in Marketing W: Yes, I thought that marketing was an interesting subject. M: Right. And after that What did you do next Did you stay in London W: No, I didn’t. I finished college in July ,1994. Then I got a job with a hotel group -- the TFC Hotel Group -- in Liverpool, as a marketing assistant. That was in October 1992. ! worked in the main office. I wrote publicity for the group. It was a nice job. I liked it. I left in October 1993 and came back to London. M: I see. Why did you leave W: I didn’t want to stay in Liverpool. I wanted to stay in London. document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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