
解析:Lately I have been noticing the gre

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【单选题】Lately I have been noticing the great number of electrical appliances (电器) on the market. It seems to me that there are (36) now than a few years ago. I’ m not really (37) why this is so; (38) I do have (39) ideas. The first is that we are just too (40) to do things by hand (41) . For every little job we once had to do there is now a (42) . The second is that electrical appliance companies are just trying to make (43) out of people’s laziness.
(44) all of these electrical appliances around for us to use now, I (45) how I would have lived fifty years ago. (46) , how would I have cleaned my floor I guess I could have (47) one of those things called a "broom", which I (48) see now.
I’m not trying to say I don’t (49) electrical appliances; I certainly (50) . It is hard for me to imagine (51) I would do without my hair dryer! (52) , I do think a lot of modem appliances are needless and (53) may become even lazier by using them. (54) we’ll have a catastrophic(灾难的) electric failure some day and (55) just how much we really have been depending on our electrical appliances!


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