
解析:Daylight Saving Time begins on Mond

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【单选题】Daylight Saving Time begins on Monday,April 3, 2005. People in most parts of the United States will turn their clocks ahead one hour.
The official(正式的) time to turn your clock ahead is early in the morning,April 3. Two
A、m. becomes three am. Sunday will have only 23 hours. (Most people change their clocks before they go to sleep Saturday night.)
In the fall, people turn their clock back an hour. This saying helps people remember which way to turn the clock: "Spring ahead; fall back." ( Spring and fall each have two meanings here.)
We useDaylight Saving Time in order to save electricity (电). We need one less hour of light from electricity each day in the summer.
Arizona, Hawaii, and parts of Indiana do not useDaylight Saving Time. Not every country usesDaylight Saving Time, either.Countries near the equator(赤道) have no reason to useDaylight Saving Time. Their hours of daylight and darkness are always nearly the same. There is noDaylight Saving Time in Japan,China, or Indi
Countries south of the equator have quite different seasons. They are ending theirDaylight Saving Time now.
Daylight Saving Time is used in the summer.
[A] Right. [B] Wrong.[C]Doesn’t say.

[解析] 根据第二段可知夏令时春天开始,秋天结束,但没有明确说明夏天用不用,答案为C。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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