
解析:Americans are often in a hurry. The

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【单选题】Americans are often in a hurry. They rush to work, rush home, and rush through their meals. Workers and students usually have only half hour or an hour for lunch.As a result, a lot ofAmericans go and eat in fast food restaurants. The service is quick, and the prices are cheap.
What do fast food restaurants serve Of course, many of them have hot dogs, hamburgers, fried chicken, pizza, or ice cream.But other fast food restaurants specialize (专门从事) in different foods. Some places serve roast beef. Some serve fish and seafooD、In fact, you can find popular foreign dishes in fast food restaurants, too. There are Italian restaurants with Italian sausage (香肠) and spaghetti (通心粉).And there areChinese restaurants withCantonese (粤式的) or Sichuan foods.

A、lot of fast food restaurants are franchises (产品经销特许权), a very popular form of business in the United States. There are many restaurants in a franchise, and each franchise has a different owner. However, all of the restaurants are under one central management, and the name of the restaurants is the same everywhere in the United States — and in foreign countries, too. This kind of central control guarantees that, for example McDonald’s hamburgers and Kentucky FriedChicken taste the same everywhere.
In modernAmerican life, fast food restaurants are very important. They provide quick and inexpensive meals forAmerican people in a hurry.
What kinds of fast food are discussed in the passage
[A]American fooD、 [B] Foreign fooD、
[C]Americanized foreign fooD、[D]BothAmerican and foreign fooD、

[解析] 细节题。参考文章第二段的内容,作者先提到快餐店经营如hot dogs, hamburgers, fried chicken, pizza, or ice cream, roast beef等本国食品, 接着又讲到“In fact, you can find popular foreign dishes in fast food restaurants, too”,可以判断在文章中提到了美国和外国的食物。因此 本题答案是[D]。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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