
解析:{{B}}Text 3{{/B}} Whenever

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【单选题】{{B}}Text 3{{/B}}

Whenever I see anyone buying a National Lottery ticket I want to stop them and ask if they know just where their money is going.
The lottery money is supposed to go to charity--but it makes me angry to see some of the so-called "good causes" it’s being used to support.Also,Camelon, the organizers, have made a profit of £10.8 million in five months. We hear now that a lot of that money is boosting the pay packets of the company’s bosses.
For the past 10 years I’ve been helping to raise funds for a cancer research charity called Tenovus. My husband, Sandy, died from cancer 11 years ago--he was only 51. There’s been a long line of deaths in our family through cancer and it’s been devastating. I’ve also lost two sisters-in-law, my brother, Michael, my father-in-law and my father. That’s apart from several close friends.
The charity is 50 years old now and raises money mainly for breast cancer research. It also runs a support line for the families of cancer sufferers. Our local group raises money through dances, sales and coffee mornings, and all the funds go directly to cancer research. In 1993 Tenovus raised£3 million--and half that money came from sales of our own lottery tickets at supermarkets.But our income has dropped by half since the National Lottery was introduceD、
I’m not against people playing the National Lottery, but they should think about what they’re doing. The chances of winning the jackpot are so small; they might as well throw their money away. The government tells us that the proceeds are going to things like the arts and sports, but what about the National Health Service They should give some cash to that, too. How can they justify spending ridiculous amounts of cash on so-called works of art--like displays of pictures--or buying up WinstonChurchill’s papers at a cost of £12 million
So who really are the winners in the National Lottery When I think of all that money people could be donating to cancer research, I could weep. It’s time people realized how charities across the country are suffering because of the National Lottery. It’s disheartening and so infuriating.
In this text the writer is expressing ______.A.her feelings about cancer sufferers
B.the opinions of the general public
C.her personal opinions
D.some ideas of fund-raising


[精解] 推理题。考查考生对全文的整体把握,通过对全文内容的把握,提炼出一些隐含的观点。文中作者处处流露出个人的观点与情绪,如文章第一段就提到“每每看到有人购买国家彩票时,我都想阻止他们并问他们是否知道他们的钱将流向何处”。故选C。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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