
解析:Text It’s official that married p

来源:网考网公共英语 所有评论

It’s official that married people are healthier, or at least they think they are.AnAmerican survey of (26) 100 000 people shows that, despite changing social (27) in society, there is a (28) between being married and being (29) .
One reason could be that people (30) physical, mental or emotional problems are less likely to marry in the first (31) , but married people also benefit (32) greater support from family and friends and this (33) their health.Divorce and bereavement increase stress, as well as affecting many people (34) .
Married people are less likely than single people to smoke, drink heavily or drive (35) they have been drinking. They are also (36) likely to wear seat belts in a car and more married people (37) safety devices in their homes.All of (38) reduce the chances of disease or injury.
Single people, by contrast, (39) to lead less organized lives. They take less care of (40) they eat and when they eat it.
(41) it seems that the best advice is get married, but make (42) you find the right partner. (43) you get it wrong, the stress of a divorce (44) mean your health gets worse than (45) you were single.


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