
解析:Many small cultural groups live in

来源:网考网公共英语 所有评论

【单选题】Many small cultural groups live in places far away from modern cities. Some of these tribes have never had any communication outside of their small areas. When they do contact the outside world, their lives usually change. Learning how to change without losing the best of their own cultures is a problem for them.
One native tribe in New Guinea has a difficult situation. The people of the tribe are being pulled in two ways.Copper has been discovered under the land where they have lived for centuries.Developers want to take the copper out of the ground, to mine it. The tribe needs the money that a copper mine would bring. The problem is that the copper is directly under the most important building of their society. These buildings are a necessary part of their religion. How can the copper be mined without changing their religionA、group of people are trying to help the tribe to learn to communicate with the rest of the worl
D、Cultural Survival, Inc, is the name of the group. The people are anthropologists, scientists who study cultures. The organization wants to teach them how to live in the modern worl
There is another organization like this in London. It is called Survival International. One inCopenhagen is called the International Workshop for LocalAffairs. These two groups have joined withCultural Survival InC、to help people become used to modern culture.
These organizations work with another kind of problem, too. Sometimes a central government does not consider the needs of local people in developing new projects. Often they suffer a great loss andCultural Survival, InC、helps them.Cultural Survival InC、and its sister organizations also give advice about tourism (旅游业). The tourist business can cause problems. Many small societies need to earn money, but a large group of visitors can hurt their culture.Also the local people could use the help ofCultural Survival, Incorporate
Why does the copper discovered in a native tribe in New Guinea give rise to a problemBecause ______.A.it will soon be mined
B.it will bring money for the tribe
C.it is too for mining

D、the mining of the copper will affect the tribe’s religion


第二自然段中有这样的论述: 问题是铜矿正好位于该部落最重要的建筑物下面,这些建筑物是他们民族宗教中非常必要的一部分,怎样才能做到开采铜矿而不影响他们的宗教呢 故答案为D。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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