
解析:When did Lindbergh learn to drive a

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【单选题】When did Lindbergh learn to drive an automobile
A、At the age of 14.
B.At the age of l0.
C.At the age of 15.


[听力原文]18-20 At the age of ten, Lindbergh learned to drive an automobile. When he was 14, his family took a trip to California, and he was the driver and mechanic. When he had finished high school two years later, he took over the management of the farm in little Falls. The family bought his first tractor. When it arrived, he refused to let anyone help him to assemble it. It was clear that he was more interested in machinery than in farming, and in 1918, he enrolled in the University of Wisconsin to study mechanical engineering. He did not finish college because he had decided to become a pilot. After that decision, college seemed to be a waste of time. When he took his first airplane ride, he knew for certain that flying would be his career. [解析] 细节题。根据所听材料中At the age of ten,Lindbergh learned to drive an automobile这句话,可以得知答案为,[B]。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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