
解析:Since chimpanzees are genetically v

来源:网考网专四专八 所有评论

【单选题】Since chimpanzees are genetically very similar to humans, _______.

A.chimpanzees are likely to suffer AIDS just like humans if they are infected
B.it does not matter if human beings are infected with SIV rather than HIV-1
C.we can use human vaccines to prevent chimpanzees from getting AIDS virus
D.AIDS vaccines based on chimp’s immune mechanism are possible to be made


该题问:由于黑猩猩与人类在基因方面很相似,这样会发生什么情况 本题的前提是“由于黑猩猩与人类在基因方面大多相似”,A项说黑猩猩如果感染病毒,也会像人类一样患艾滋病。这不符合事实,因为文中说the virus,which does not appear to harm the chimps。B项说如果人类感染SIV病毒而不是HIV-I病毒就不会得病。这不对,因为SIV在人体内会转化为HIV-I,最后使人得病。第三段最后一句Once transmitted to humans,the re- searchers believe the virus mutated into HIV-I就证实了这点。C项说我们能用人的疫苗来防止黑猩猩的艾滋病,这是错的,因为首先人们还未开发出可以使人类免得艾滋病的疫苗,另外,黑猩猩本身不会得艾滋病,也就用不上疫苗。D项说根据黑猩猩的免疫机能进行艾滋病毒疫苗的开发是可能成功的。这符合该发现的重大意义。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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