
解析:According to this passage, Manhatta

来源:网考网专四专八 所有评论

【单选题】According to this passage, Manhattan is ______.

A.the origin of much of the chaos of the Democratic Party
B.nothing but a mixture of languages, occupations, and income levels
C.short of affluent professionals
D.proud of the overwhelming skyscraper jungle around Wall Street


该题问:据文章所介绍,曼哈顿是个怎样的地方 由第二段第二句中的Those who live in the West 70s,80s, and 90s—the Upper West Side,...as a cosmopolitan mixture of languages,occupations,and income levels可知,人们把曼哈顿的the Upper West Side看作a cosmopolitan mixture of languages,occupations,and income levels,并没有说:曼哈顿只是一个mixture of languages,occupations,and income levels。所以,选项B不正确。第二段第四行some say it is the origin of much of the chaos of the Democratic Party的意思是:“有人说,‘the Upper West Side'是‘the origin of much of the chaos of the Democratic Party'”,并没有说“本文认为曼哈顿是‘the origin of much of the chaos of the Democratic Party’”。所以,选项A不正确。由第三段第四行的Greenwich Village,...has become a favourite dwelling place for affluent professionals可知,曼哈顿的格林威治村成了富有的专业人员青睐的居住区。所以,选项C(曼哈顿缺少富有的专业人员)不正确。由全文最后一句中的the overwhelming skyscraper jun- gle around Wall Street,which is home to hundreds of financial and insurance institutions and some of the nation's lar- gest banks,exerts international power(华尔街一带的摩天大厦高耸人云,其中坐落着数以百计的金融和保险机构,还有几家全国最大的银行。这些金融机构从事的业务遍及全球)可知,华尔街一带的摩天大厦群是曼哈顿引以自豪的地区。所以,选项D应为答案。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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