
解析:What is Sam suffering from

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【单选题】What is Sam suffering from



[听力原文]1-3 W: Hi, Sam, how are you feeling M: Horrible. I got a cold five days ago, and now it seems it's getting worse. The cough has gotten deeper, and I feel like I've been run over by a freight train! W: Well, let me take a listen to your chest. Deep breath in... and exhale. Inhale... exhale. M: Hear anything interesting down there W: It sounds like you have some congestion in your lungs. Have you been coughing stuff up M: A little, but not too much! W: Well, we need to get that junk loosened up. Here is a prescription. M: What's it for W: It'll help loosen your chest up and calm your cough. I want you to take it every 4 hours for a week, three pills each time, OK M: Fine. W: You know that it takes time. So, don't forget to drink lots of fluids. M: You got it. Thank you. W: You're welcome. Take care. 根据对话,山姆主要是因为患有感冒,才有其症状:咳嗽、气闷、气急等。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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