
解析:At the end of the passage, it is im

来源:网考网专四专八 所有评论

【单选题】At the end of the passage, it is implied that______.

A.there will be more and more patrons for arts
B.freedom of expression in art can be achieved by people at the top
C.ordinary people's appreciation of art is inferior to that of people of a higher status
D.the impact of the art is felt earlier by people at the top than by ordinary people


最后一句的大意是:在一个崇尚创造性的文化氛围里,如果把大量的钱花在高雅艺术上(at the top),就会得到艺术表达的自由,而高雅艺术的影响就会自上而下逐渐影响到(trickles down and affects)普通人。能把大量的钱花在高雅艺术上的人非富则贵,这也暗示他们会比普通人要先感受到艺术的感染。因此D正确。D中people at the top即指非富则贵的人。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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