
解析:According to the passage, the diffe

来源:网考网专四专八 所有评论

【单选题】According to the passage, the differences between government and business lie in the following areas EXCEPT______.

A.nature of activity
B.option of withdrawal
C.legitimacy of activity
D.power distribution


根据第九段第二句“Business functions around one predominate organizing principle,profitability…Government,on the other hand,deals with a vast number of equally legitimate and often potentially competing objectives…”,可以排除[A]。根据第八段中的“Jack Welch's famous law…was to be first Or second in any given product category,or else get out of that business.”以及"you can't just quit.”和“it doesn't always have the option of relieving itself Of that function.”,可以排除[B]。根据第四段中的"Power in a corporation is concentrated and vertically structured.”和"Power in Washington is diffuse and horizontally spread out.”,可以排除[D]。根据以上分析,就可以断定 [C]为正确答案。另外,我们相信读者根据自己的常识也可以作出正确的选择,看看周围的世界,哪个政权,哪家公司不追求自己活动的合法性 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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